Consult Session for Practitioner Clients Complete at least 4 days before the appointment date and time. Yoga Therapist's Name:*Yoga Therapist's Email Address:* Yoga Therapist's Phone Number:*Client's Name:*Client's Age:*City Client Resides In:*Ayurvedic Doshas:*Prakriti:Vikruti:Reason Client is seeing a Yoga Therapist:*Current and Previous health conditions and surgeries:*Condition:Date: Other health practitioners your Client has seen for this condition:*Current medications, including supplements:*What movements/actions create the condition/discomfort?:*What movements/actions make the condition/discomfort better?:*Brief description of diet and digestion:*Key postural and movement assessments that you have already done with Client and a brief synopsis of your findings:*Have you already created a therapeutic protocol? If so, what?:*Anything else to share (share links to images and video recordings here):* 87378