Day 5

Monday, November 7

Props needed: Yoga gear, ball kit, Q-tips, 2 bath towels same size, pole/broomstick, chair

Day 5 Schedule

8:00-10:00amPelvic Floor Yoga Therapy Lecture and Experiential Workshop with Leslie Howard In this workshop we will locate, assess, soften, stretch, strengthen and exercise the muscle groups of the pelvic floor, discuss mula bandha, abdominal health and how to utilize the pelvic floor in asana. The workshop will begin with anatomy, lecture and discussion, followed by subtle experiential movements to awaken your understanding of this often ignored area.
– Break for 15min
Maria: Q&A, Discussion of Final Exam

Watch Video – offered by Leslie Howard as an example:

  1. Leslie Howard Pelvic Floor Yoga Therapy Session with Client

Pelvic Floor Handout:

Discount Codes for Online Courses:

Coupons good for one month, 20% off, one year unlimited access

Menarche to Matriarch: Yoga Physiology of times of transition, enter coupon code:  mtomcoupon20

Direct link to the Menarche to Menopause page:

Twenty hour ON Demand Pelvic Floor Teacher Training:  enter coupon code: special100-1

And my book Pelvic Liberation is available on my website and Amazon.

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