Welcome to Begin with the Feet. In this learning segment, you will demonstrate the ability to:
To Do:
1. View Lecture: Begin with the Feet (THIS IS NEW, CAN KEEP OR REMOVE)
Begin with the Feet PowerPoint lecture notes:
2. View Video: Dorsiflexion Assessment at Wall (DO YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS HERE?)
3. View Video: Movement Refresh: Foot Relief Joy with Maria
Gait Analysis Assignment:
Being able to accomplish a meaningful gait assessment virtually is an excellent addition to your tool kit as a Functional Yoga Therapist.
This Partner Assignment is due by January 4, 2025. Email your photos and videos to your partner and mentor. Review your partner’s images to prepare for live assessment and treatment techniques during in person training.
Virtual Gait Analysis Preparation:
Download the Gait analysis instructions, and follow the steps for your own gait. Email your short video (less than 1min) and photos to your assigned partner. Discuss with your partner what you observe and share insights: Note what stands out to you, and any obvious asymmetries. Send a brief summary to your mentor for feedback. We will refer back to this Partner Gait Assessment during the in-person portion of our learning experience with the same partners.
Gait Assessment Examples:
Look for the following: Foot/ankle pronation or supination; bunions; clenching of toes; knees with movement; how feet/legs turn out or not when walking; leg swing; elevated hip, etc.
The following Gait Assessment Example photos and videos below are not for public viewing, and are only to be used as a learning experience between you and your partner.
Gait Assessment Example #1:
Gait Assessment Example #2:
Gait Assessment Example #3:
Additional Learning:
View Assessing Gait video (first 27 minutes) – OPTIONAL