The Role of a Student:
- Unless prior discussed with Director or Assistant, attendance and participation at all sessions is mandatory for certification.
- Arrive early for each session as designated on the schedule.
- Bring manual, any necessary handouts and other prior designated items to each session.
- Wear your name tag at all times.
- No side conversations.
- Participate fully in every sadhana. Inform staff if you are not feeling well.
- There are no scheduled bathroom breaks during the program sessions. You are free to quietly leave the program room as needed.
- Wear modest yoga attire to classes.
- Refrain from using scented products of any kind out of respect for those with sensitivities.
- There is time available in almost every session to speak relevant thoughts, questions, feelings, and insights. Faculty and assistants/mentors are available outside of class for one-on-one meetings if needed.
- No cell phone calls are allowed in the teaching room.
- Be alert to keeping your belongings within your designated space, and to a minimum.
- Seek to respect all the ideas and practices that are presented as part of the Functional Yoga Therapy training, noting that you will take this information back to your home and re-define it as needed.
- At times the assistants or faculty will take photos of the training in action. If you do not want to be in a photo or video, please let the assistant know on your first day.
Student Grievance Procedure:
Student complaints should be brought to the attention of the student’s assigned mentor or of the School Director. The complaint may begin as a verbal discussion. The discussion and outcome of the discussion will be documented and signed by both the Mentor or Director and the student.
The mentor will be required to inform the School Director of the discussion and its results. If the student feels he/she has not found resolution, the student should write and document his/her complaint, including any supportive information. The written document will be given to the School Director.
The Director will have the right to investigate the complaint, including meeting independently with any party necessary. When resolution is determined, the Director and student, and if appropriate, the mentor and other instructor(s), will meet. The Director will document the outcome. If the student still does not feel he/she has found resolution, he/she has the right to file a student complaint with an outside source. If needed, an independent arbiter can be used.