Day 2

Sunday November 12

In morning wake early for:  Check pulses, check tongue, mug of hot water, garshana, oleation, movement practice.

Day 2 Schedule

Day 2 Materials: Yoga gear, ball kit, pole or broomstick
Maria: Good Morning, Q&A Discussion of this morning’s practice: Rolling Patterns
– Movement Refresh Video: Ball Rolling the Kinetic Chains
– Break
Break into Pairs: Foot Assessment, Single Leg Stand, Overhead Squat, Thoracic Rotation, Gait Analysis (from prior homework-short video & photos that you handed in during prep work)
– Discuss findings, Create & Implement short treatment plan, Re-assess single leg stand, overhead squat, thoracic rotation – Is there a difference?
11-12:15pmQ&A, Discussion of use of Goniometer, Core Support & Stabilization Short Lecture
– Break for Lunch
1-3pm– Maria: Advanced Assessments Part 1 – Using Manual, videos, Maria demonstrating
– Understanding Gait & Assessing Large Movements Lecture
– Virtual Assessments: Watch videos/in-person
– Break into Pairs: Pulsing, Dorsiflexion/Plantar Flexion, Hyperextension, Straight Leg Hip Flexion, and Hamstring Check at Wall
– Pec Minor check, Shoulder internal/external rotation, Shoulder flexion, Carrying Angle
3:15-4:30pm– Maria: In-Person Assessment Demonstration
– Core Support & Stabilization, Practice with Maria
– 3+1 P’s ofTension
Maria Assesses Student Virtually
Homework:For homework until next week, practice the assessments you’ve learned – practice them virtually and in-person. Watch the videos: Prone Psoas Release, Dying Bug, Hip Balance with Pelvic Blocks. These are all very important therapeutic techniques for working with Functional Yoga Therapy protocol. Take the week to try some of the techniques discussed this weekend for any imbalances you may have discovered in your body.


Assessing Large Movement lecture notes:

Watch Videos:

  1. MOVEMENT REFRESH VIDEO: Ball Rolling the Kinetic Chains

2. Advanced Assessments Part 1: Pulsing Before Assessment (virtual)

3. Advanced Assessments Part 1: Pulsing Assessment (in-person)

4. Advanced Assessments Part 1: Dorsi/Plantar Flexion, Manual pg 73-74

5. Advanced Assessments Part 1: Straight Leg Hip Flexion, Manual pg 83

6. Advanced Assessments Part 1: Hamstring Check with Wall, Manual pg 83

7. Advanced Assessments Part 2: Pec Minor Measurement, Manual pg 84

8. Advanced Assessments Part 2: Shoulder Internal/External Rotation (JF #14), Manual pg 85

9. Advanced Assessments Part 2: Standing Angel- Shoulder (Girdle) Flexion Assessment, Manual pg 90

4. Advanced Assessments Part 2: Carrying Angle, Manual pg 86


Consider the assessments done today:

  • Where did you find imbalance in your body? What thoughts & feelings come up and what actions do you want to take? How does motivation fit in?
  • What parts of joint freeing series might be effective to help with this?  

Watch videos:

  1. HOMEWORK VIDEO: Prone Psoas Release


3. Movement Refresh: Dying Bug Forearm Plank Progressions (Optional)

4. Movement Refresh: Tools for Sustained Joy – Hip Balance with Pelvic Blocks

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